1. General requirements

  • Submissions to Photography. Image. Document, Issue 10 (10) 2021 are accepted until 15 May 2021.
  • Work submitted for publication must be original and previously unpublished.
  • Submitted papers undergo initial evaluation to ensure that they meet essential criteria for publication in the journal, including the appropriateness of the title, length, structure, format, authorship, figures, tables, and other information. Manuscripts that do not pass the criteria are not reviewed.
  • Manuscripts that receive positive initial evaluation are subject to peer review.
  • Authors must sign a license agreement before publication.

1.1. Work submitted to the journal must include

  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index of the article;
  • Title of the article in English;
  • Abstract of the article in English (min. 200 words, max. 250 words);
  • Keywords in English (7–10 keywords);
  • Full text of the article (max. 40 000 characters with spaces, including metadata and bibliographic references);
  • Bibliographic references;
  • Author information in English, including name(s) and last name(s), affiliation(s), degree, postal and e-mail addresses;
  • Source of funding (grant), if applicable.

2. Format requirements

2.1. General file preparation guidelines

All information must be presented the following way:

  • A separate file with metadata and author information;
  • A separate file with full text of the article;
  • A separate file with figure captions;
  • Figures as separate files.

All materials are to be submitted in electronic form.

For text documents: MS Word, .doc, .docx format, 12-point Times New Roman, 1,25-cm left indent, fully justified, single line spacing, 2-cm margins, no hyphenation

Pictures and photographs must be presented in .tif or .jpeg format, minimum resolution 300 dpi, in final print size. Authors must keep the same aspect ratio (no strange compression or stretching in the image).

Drawings and charts must be submitted in editable format.

Diagrams must be made in MS Excel, Adobe Photoshop (preferably .psd) or Corel Draw (rasterized).

2.2. Metadata structure and content

  • Last name and name (initials) in English;
  • Article title in English;
  • Abstract in English;
  • Keywords in English (use cursive instead of quotation marks if needed;
  • Do not use abbreviations, formulas, or complex phrases).

Author information structure and content

  • Last name and name (initials) in English;
  • Academic degree, affiliation, city, e-mail;
  • Workplace address with postal code;


Ivanov, Ivan — Dr. Sci. (Engineering), Federal Document Conservation Center, the National Library of Russia 18, Sadovaya str., St. Petersburg, 191069, Russia; ivanov@nlr.ru

2.3. Full text format

  • UDC-index of the article;
  • Last name and initials;
  • Article title;
  • Full text of the article;

Bibliographic references must come at the end of the text, contain only those works cited within the text, in order of appearance (not alphabetical order). The citation numbers are included in the text in square brackets consecutively, with numbers repeated throughout the text as needed. E.g.: [1, p. 20], where the first number is the number of citation in the list of references and the second one is the page number in the citation source. Several consecutive citations are included in the text as following: [2, p. 13; 3, p. 154] or [4; 5; 6];

If the article includes text in writing systems other that Cyrillic or Latin (Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, etc.), the full text of the article should be submitted in .pdf format along with the .doc format;

The first time you use an abbreviation in the text, present both the spelled-out version and the short form, except generally accepted abbreviations or mathematical values;

If the text includes notes, they should come at the end of the text and be numbered consecutively across the text. Citations within the notes should be formatted the same way as in the text. Full bibliographic information is not allowed in the notes.

  • Bibliography.

The list of sources should contain only those works cited within the text, in order of appearance (not alphabetical order). Sources are included in their original language and formatted according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The formatting of non-Russian-language sources in the Bibliography section should also be based on GOST R 7.0.5-2008, but after the name of the foreign author, a comma is placed before the initials. Full bibliographic information should be presented including author(s), title of work, journal title, publisher, location, publication year, number of pages. Author's last names should be italicized.


Books by one author

Calfore, P. The next American Metropolis. Ecology, Community and the American Dream. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1993. 175 р.

Абелева И.Ю. Речь о речи. Коммуникативная система человека. М.: Логос, 2004. 304 с.

Translated or edited books

If the referenced document is translated or edited, this should be indicated after a dash (/), with spaces before and after it.

Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography / ed. by John Hannavy. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. 164 p.

Белл Р.Т. Социолингвистика. Цели, методы, проблемы / пер. с англ. М.: Международные отношения, 1980. 318 с.

Indicating the information about the publication (stereotypical, corrected, supplemented, etc.).

Information about the publication, if any, is given after the information about the translation, separated from it by a dot and dash. If the publication is not translated, the information about the publication comes immediately after the type of document or title, if the type is not indicated.

Barger, M. S., White, W. B. The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science. 2nd ed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. 332 p.

Борботько В.Г. Принципы формирования дискурса: От психолингвистики к лингвосинергетике. Изд. 2-е, стереотипное. М.: КомКнига, 2007. 288 с.

With an indication of two or more publishers

After the location of publication (the city where the document was published) comes the publishing house, separated from the location with a colon. If there are two publishers, one colon is placed after the location and another one after the first publisher.

Белянин В.П. Психолингвистика: учебник. 3-е изд., испр. М.: Флин-та: Московский психолого-социальный институт, 2005. 232 с.

With indication of two or more places of publication

If there are two or more places of publication, the first place of publication is followed by a semicolon, followed by the second place of publication with the publisher, and so on.

Майерс Д.Дж. Социальная психология: интенсив. курс. 3-е междунар. изд. СПб.: Прайм-Еврознак: Нева; М.: ОЛМа-Пресс, 2000. 510 с.

Books by two or more authors

If there are two or three authors, they are all listed at the beginning of the description; if there are more than three authors, the description starts with the title, and the first three are listed after a dash. Editors, if any, are indicated after another dash.

Barger, M. S., White, W. B. The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science. 2nd ed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. 332 p.

Strategic management cases / N. Snyder et al. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1991. 769 p.

Бергер П., Лукман Т. Социальное конструирование реальности: трактат по социологии знания. М.: Моск. филос. фонд, 1995. 322 с.

Основы теории коммуникации: учебник / М.А. Василик, М.С. Вершинин, В.А. Павлов [и др.] / под ред. проф. М.А. Василика. М.: Гардарики, 2006. 615 с.

Journal Articles

If there is a reference to the issue, volume, part, etc., they come after the year of publication. When describing an article from a journal, first the year and then the journal issue are indicated. The issue number is separated from the volume number by a comma: Vol.__, iss.__ ; Iss.__, No.__ ; Bd.__, Nr.__; Том_, вып.__ ; Вып._, №_.

Becquerel, A.-E. Observations on the Experiments of Messrs. Foucault and Fizeau, Relative to the Action of the Red Rays upon Daguerreotype Plates // London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. March 1847. P. 214–218.

Correspondence // The British Journal of Photography. 1887. September 2. Vol. 34, No. 1426. P. 558–560.

Сиротинина О.Б. Структурно-функциональные изменения в современном русском литературном языке: проблема соотношения языка и его реального функционирования // Русская словесность в контексте современных интеграционных процессов: материалы междунар. науч. конф. Волгоград: Изд-во ВолГУ, 2007. Т. 1. С. 14–19.

Браславский П.И., Данилов С.Ю. Интернет как средство инкультурации и аккультурации // Взаимопонимание в диалоге культур: условия успешности: монография: в 2 ч. / под общ. ред. Л.И. Гришаевой, М.К. Поповой. Воронеж: Воронежский гос. ун-т, 2004. Ч. 1. С. 215–228.Войскунский А.Е. Метафоры Интернета // Вопросы философии. 2001. № 11. С. 64–79.

Abstracts and dissertations

There is no publisher in dissertation descriptions because it they are manuscripts. The publisher can also be omitted in the description of dissertation abstracts.

Асмус Н.Г. Лингвистические особенности виртуального коммуникативного пространства: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Челябинск: Челябинский гос. ун-т, 2005. 23 с.

Школовая М.С. Лингвистические и семиотические аспекты конструирования идентичности в электронной коммуникации: дис. … канд. филол. наук. Тверь, 2005. 174 с.

References to online resources

URL and the access date must be included.

Аннанурова О.М. Опосредованный взгляд: фигура зрителя // Theatrum Mundi. URL: http://theatrummundi.ru/material/view/ (дата обращения: 27.08.2017).

URL: http://www.gri.it/storia-della-fotografia/dagherrotipia-daguerreotype/111-daguerreotype-hallmars-table-tavola-di-identificazione-e-classificazione-punzoni-per-dagherrotipia.html (accessed May 10, 2019).

References to archival files

The following elements should be included: name of the archival depository; number of the inventory (if any), serial number of the case according to the inventory, etc.; name of the collection; location of the reference object in the identifying document (case sheet numbers). All elements are separated by dots.

РГИА. Ф. 789. Оп. 1. Д. 3269. Л. 1

2.4. Formatting photographs, drawings, charts, and tables

All figures must be submitted in electronic form as separate files. Captions are mandatory and should come in one separate text document. All figures should be numbered consecutively across the text.

Pictures and photographs

  • Captions should contain the following information: author; name; place and year of creation; medium; © credit.


Fig. 1. Unknown author. Petr Kozlov and Sven Gedin. Urga (Ulan Bator), 1923. Silber bromide print. © Museum-apartment of P.K. Kozlov (SPbF IET RAS).

  • If photographs (pictures) are taken from an open photobank allowing free downloading of content, it is necessary to indicate the name and URL of the photobank, author of the image, year of creation or publication.
  • If photographs (pictures) come from other sources, it is necessary to provide copyright owner’s written permission to use the picture, and include copyright owner in the caption.
  • Caption formatting: Times New Roman, 9 points.

Drawings, charts, tables

  • Captions to drawings and diagrams are placed underneath them, for example:

Fig. 1. Title, etc.

  • The title of tables is put above them, for example:

Table 1. Title.

  • The source of data must be indicated under the table if the table is not originally by the author of the article.
  • The sources of the figures or tables must be specified. If the source is in the list of references, then specify the number under which it is in this list, for example:

After: [3] or Source: [3, p. 5–6].

If it is not in the list of references, then a bibliographic reference is given: After: [Barger, M. S. Title. New York: Рublishing house, 2002] or Source: [Barger, M. S. Title. New York: Рublishing house, 2002. P. 5–6].

  • Caption formatting: Times New Roman, 9 points.
  • The table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first mentioned.
  • A table with many rows can extend onto multiple pages.
  • As a rule, column headings are written in parallel with the rows of the table; if necessary, perpendicular arrangement of the column headings is allowed.
  • Text formatting in captions, charts, and tables: Times New Roman, 9 points.


Last updated on 8.02.2021