Today, humanitarian photography is one of the most debated forms of photojournalist’s professional activity. Such debate is relevant for Russian photography as well. At the roundtable, discussants will raise the following questions:

  1. What is humanitarian photography in today’s Russia and abroad?
  2. Photographer’s work in the context of a humanitarian mission;
  3. The specificity of work photojournalists and organizations carry out in humanitarian photography;
  4. Photography exhibition as part of an awareness campaign for humanitarian effort;
  5. Photographers’ cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross: an experience;
  6. Humanitarian photography in media space.


Tom Stoddart, photojournalist (United Kingdom)

Witold Krasssowski, photojournalist (Poland)

Sabine Haberler Kreis, photolibrarian, ICRC Library and Public Archives, Geneva, Switzerland

Sergey Stroitelev, photojournalist (Russia)

Alexander Belenky, photojournalist, lecturer, Department of Journalism, SPbSU (Russia)

Igor Lebedev, curator of the exhibition “Childhood. Living Against All Odds” (Russia)

Ilya Pilipenko, photographer, co-founder of the documentary project “Invisible Cities” (ROSPHOTO, Russia)

Veronika Vybornova, specialist, Department of Communication, ICRC Regional Delegation in Russia, Belarus, Moldova; director of historical, archival, and exhibition projects (Russia)

Galina Balzamova, specialist, Department of Communication, ICRC Regional Delegation in Russia, Belarus, Moldova; media projects and mass media (Russia)

Free admission

This page — Burundi, Kabezi. 19 May 2008. A crowd waits for an ICRC relief distribution to start. Photographer: LAMON, Bertrand. © ICRC
Main page — Gaza, Occupied Territories, Israel. 2009. Gaza. Even though it is now one year after the military conflict in the Gaza Strip, the population is still struggling with the impact it has had on their daily lives. Children continue to suffer fear and loss. © ICRC