Four­teen of Den­mark’s best pho­tog­ra­phers trav­eled to every cor­ner of Den­mark — each in their own di­rec­tion, to their own area, and at their own pace. Their as­sign­ment was to cre­ate a pic­ture of the Dan­ish land­scape. Each pho­tog­ra­pher con­tributes a unique pro­ject with ei­ther a ge­o­graph­i­cal or con­cep­tual point of de­par­ture. The themes range from ‘bound­aries’ and ‘coasts’ to ‘na­ture re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion’ and ‘a belt across Jut­land’.

The pho­tog­ra­phers have in­ter­preted, ex­panded and up­dated the land­scape as an artis­tic and cul­tural-his­tor­i­cal motif. We meet moors and toxic dumps, field bound­aries and sub­ur­ban ar­chi­tec­ture, mo­tor­ways and play­grounds, coastal ero­sion and na­ture re­serves. And in the im­ages we find traces that bear wit­ness to human in­ter­ac­tion with the place. In other words, the ex­hi­bi­tion re­veals the aes­thetic, sensed, ma­te­r­ial, so­cial and po­lit­i­cal land­scape as a place through which we un­der­stand our­selves and each other. The pho­tographs in this ex­hi­bi­tion make no claim to con­sti­tute a uni­ver­sal im­print of Den­mark. In­stead, they rep­re­sent very dif­fer­ent and highly per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ences of and in the land­scape.

The pho­tographs take a ‘slice of time’ and show im­ages of coun­try­side and town con­structed on the basis of the aes­thetic, con­cep­tual or vi­sual re­sources of­fered by pho­tog­ra­phy. The all-new pho­tographs il­lus­trate how na­ture and cul­ture work to­gether in the land­scapes that sur­round us. This is the first time Den­mark has been thor­oughly pho­tographed by so many pho­tog­ra­phers and vi­sual artists.

The par­tic­i­pat­ing pho­tog­ra­phers are:

Jørgen Borg, Peter Bran­des, Christina Capetillo, Krass Clement, Joakim Es­kild­sen, Mads Gam­drup, Nico­lai Howalt, John Jedbo, Astrid Kruse Jensen, Fie Jo­hansen, Kirsten Klein, Janne Klerk, Hen­rik Sax­gren and Trine Sønder­gaard.

The ex­hi­bi­tion is made pos­si­ble with sup­port of: Dan­ish Cul­tural In­sti­tute in St.-Pe­ters­burg, The Dan­ish Arts Agency, Royal Dan­ish Con­sulate Gen­eral in St.-Pe­ters­burgе, Em­bassy of Den­mark in Moscow.

The ex­hi­bi­tion is co­in­cided with the State visit of the Queen Mar­grete II of Den­mark and Prince Con­sort Hen­rik in the com­pany of Crown Prince Fred­erik to the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion.