Pristine Russia
Selected photographs of the nationwide nature festival
The exhibition will feature 160 most amazing works by the best Russian-based nature photographers. Spanning the entire country, from its Eastern frontiers to the Western borders, the project presents unique nature of Russia in all its diversity. Visitors will see splendid views of the most remote and beautiful places — clear lakes, full flowing rivers, mountain tops, coasts of thirteen seas; take a glimpse into the life of animals and birds, and reveal the secrets of the microcosm.
Part of the exhibition project is devoted to nature of the Leningrad Region. It includes photographs taken by members of the St. Petersburg Photo Hunters Club, which has operated under the aegis of the Leningrad Hunting and Fishing Society for over 50 years. The club members will present photographic stories on the life of wild animals in the Rakovye Ozyora (Crayfish Lakes) Natural Reserve, which is a true gem of the Karelian Isthmus and a vivid example of a developing wetland ecosystem. Rich and diverse wildlife and flora of the lakes will allow nobody to stay indifferent, especially wildlife photographers.
The photo exhibition will be accompanied by screenings of the new documentaries created by the Live Planet TV channel, as well as by a public program of workshops by famous nature photographers.
In 2018, nationwide nature festival Pristine Russia has celebrated its fifth anniversary. Five years ago, it was conceived and first realized as a large-scale exhibition and festival devoted to the unspoiled nature of Russia. The idea turned out to be successful and relevant: this traveling festival is loved and being looked for by people in many towns and cities both in Russia and abroad. Over the 5 years, over 2.5 million visitors in 71 countries of the world have attended the event.
Pristine Russia helps thousands of people to take a fresh look at Russia’s nature and wildlife, understand its beauty and scale, get to know it and love it deeper than ever, become aware of the importance of preserving it for the future generations. The festival is a real tour guide across Russia, an encyclopedia of its geography and biodiversity.