The ex­hi­bi­tion will fea­ture 160 most amaz­ing works by the best Russ­ian-based na­ture pho­tog­ra­phers. Span­ning the en­tire coun­try, from its East­ern fron­tiers to the West­ern bor­ders, the pro­ject pre­sents unique na­ture of Rus­sia in all its di­ver­sity. Vis­i­tors will see splen­did views of the most re­mote and beau­ti­ful places — clear lakes, full flow­ing rivers, moun­tain tops, coasts of thir­teen seas; take a glimpse into the life of an­i­mals and birds, and re­veal the se­crets of the mi­cro­cosm.

Part of the ex­hi­bi­tion pro­ject is de­voted to na­ture of the Leningrad Re­gion. It in­cludes pho­tographs taken by mem­bers of the St. Pe­ters­burg Photo Hunters Club, which has op­er­ated under the aegis of the Leningrad Hunt­ing and Fish­ing So­ci­ety for over 50 years. The club mem­bers will pre­sent pho­to­graphic sto­ries on the life of wild an­i­mals in the Rakovye Ozy­ora (Cray­fish Lakes) Nat­ural Re­serve, which is a true gem of the Kare­lian Isth­mus and a vivid ex­am­ple of a de­vel­op­ing wet­land ecosys­tem. Rich and di­verse wildlife and flora of the lakes will allow no­body to stay in­dif­fer­ent, es­pe­cially wildlife pho­tog­ra­phers.

The photo ex­hi­bi­tion will be ac­com­pa­nied by screen­ings of the new doc­u­men­taries cre­ated by the Live Planet TV chan­nel, as well as by a pub­lic pro­gram of work­shops by fa­mous na­ture pho­tog­ra­phers.

In 2018, na­tion­wide na­ture fes­ti­val Pris­tine Rus­sia has cel­e­brated its fifth an­niver­sary. Five years ago, it was con­ceived and first re­al­ized as a large-scale ex­hi­bi­tion and fes­ti­val de­voted to the un­spoiled na­ture of Rus­sia. The idea turned out to be suc­cess­ful and rel­e­vant: this trav­el­ing fes­ti­val is loved and being looked for by peo­ple in many towns and cities both in Rus­sia and abroad. Over the 5 years, over 2.5 mil­lion vis­i­tors in 71 coun­tries of the world have at­tended the event.

Pris­tine Rus­sia helps thou­sands of peo­ple to take a fresh look at Rus­sia’s na­ture and wildlife, un­der­stand its beauty and scale, get to know it and love it deeper than ever, be­come aware of the im­por­tance of pre­serv­ing it for the fu­ture gen­er­a­tions. The fes­ti­val is a real tour guide across Rus­sia, an en­cy­clo­pe­dia of its ge­og­ra­phy and bio­di­ver­sity.