The exhibition of works by Valery Orlov Significant Objects: The Fascination of Still Life provides a glimpse into ambivalence of the world around us and incorporeity of the material. Objects stripped of any context play a central part in Orlov’s photographs, while the background they are placed against emphasizes the inconstancy and versatility of the relations between the object and the space.

On 23 December, at 18:00, ROSPHOTO invites you on a guided tour around the exhibition lead by the Valery Orlov himself and artist Alexandra Mitlyanskaya. The photographer will elaborate on the peculiar features of his works, while the visitors will have a chance to engage him in conversation and learn more about how the pictures were created.

The guided tour is free with admission to the museum. Advance registration required (see below).

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    Снимок экрана 2016-12-15 в 13.54.34
    Снимок экрана 2016-12-15 в 13.54.34
    Alexandra Mitlyanskaya and Valery Orlov.
    From the "White Paper" series. Valery Orlov