One of the most common expression in Cuba is no es facil, “it isn’t easy”. It is often uttered in the most dissimilar situations and in conditions so diverse and rich in contradiction that its cryptic cultural significance cannot always be understood. And this is exactly the conclusion to which foreigner comes when experiencing Cuban social landscape. Two infrastructures based on two local currencies — cuban peso and convertible cuban peso — create parallel worlds coexisting in one country. The bright example will be two types of taxis, for tourists and for locals, almendrones and boyeros, self-organized transportation system of shared cars, with the help of the word of mouth. Methods of communications between artists are based on the same principle. Under the conditions of functioning only a scrap of the Web — the email, the effective and (and successfully implemeted) strategy is a consolidation of the art society. Ways of cooperation of the institutions and the art community, challenges and advantages will be discussed by Nelson Ramirez de Arellano Conde — artist, curator and director of the Fototeca de Cuba.