We are happy to in­vite you to Vik­tor Kolář’s artist talk, ac­com­pa­ny­ing the ex­hi­bi­tion of his works "Vik­tor Kolář. Sur­re­al­ism of the Every­day". The event will take place on 10 De­cem­ber 2016 at 2:00 p.m.

Vik­tor Kolář will share his views on the art of pho­tog­ra­phy, speak on the role of his home­town Os­trava in his work, re­call peo­ple’s re­ac­tions he has con­fronted with as a pho­tog­ra­pher, and re­flect on the search for the magic mo­ment in the sur­round­ing re­al­ity.

Vik­tor Kolář: "Pho­tog­ra­pher’s mag­i­cal abil­ity is to no­tice mir­a­cles in the every­day life. Mak­ing a stun­ning shot is a task of sec­ondary im­por­tance. The first and fore­most is to rec­og­nize the sig­nif­i­cance of par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tions, to see the essence of what is hap­pen­ing, to see mean­ing and depth be­hind the rou­tine do­ings of every­day life. Pho­tog­ra­phy is life in tune with the life it­self. You no­tice, you pay at­ten­tion, you an­a­lyze de­tails, you re­mem­ber…"[1]


[1] From the 365 mag­a­zine in­ter­view with Vik­tor Kolář, in Russ­ian.

Ad­mis­sion is free. Ad­vance reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

The event is car­ried out with the sup­port of the Min­istry of Cul­ture of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, the Con­sulate Gen­eral of the Czech Re­pub­lic in Saint Pe­ters­burg, Rus­sia, and Czech Cen­tre.

    При опи­са­нии си­ту­а­ции, по­жа­луй­ста, ука­жи­те дату и время Ва­ше­го по­се­ще­ния. Если Ваш во­прос ка­са­ет­ся кон­крет­но­го про­из­ве­де­ния или вы­став­ки, по­ста­рай­тесь мак­си­маль­но точно ука­зать име­ю­щу­ю­ся у Вас ин­фор­ма­цию. Ад­ми­ни­стра­ция музея остав­ля­ет за собой право не от­ве­чать на некор­рект­но сфор­му­ли­ро­ван­ные во­про­сы.

    На­жи­мая "От­пра­вить", я под­твер­ждаю свое со­гла­сие на об­ра­бот­ку моих пер­со­наль­ных дан­ных, ука­зан­ных в форме