Sarah Cooper will be giving about a 30 minute presentation that takes you on a journey from personal upbringing to inspiration of Cooper&Gorfer duo and how she and Nina Gorfer developed their working method. We’ll also discuss the concept and some behind the scenes of our two projects: The Weather Diaries and Interruptions.

The project Interruptions is based on interviews with the indigenous female inhabitants of the northernmost region of Sweden — Sámi women of varied ages, who have agreed to pose for photographs staging and visualising their stories and circumstances.

The project Weather Diaries is an artistic research of the traditional women’s costume in Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. 

Admission: entrance ticket

The exhibition projects by Cooper&Gorfer are on view at ROSPHOTO from 17 October to 2 December.

Cooper and Gorfer. Steinunn, Birna, Hands, 2014